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  • Registrant : 直方市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/21
  • Published : 2023/12/21
  • Changed :2023/12/21
  • Total View : 295 persons
2024/2/1 - 2024/2/12 / 直方市 / Other

Noogata Children's Art Award Exhibition

We hope that through the "Nogata Children's Art Award Exhibition," children, who are the future of Nogata, will be exposed to art and grow up to develop their individuality and rich imagination.

We hope that through the "Nogata Children's Art Award Exhibition," children, who are the future of Nogata, will be exposed to art and grow up to develop their individuality and rich imagination.

Address 直方市
Date 2024/2/1 - 2024/2/12
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Vivinavi - Events

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